Annie Leibovitz
Annie Leibovitz is a modern photographer who captures images of famous figures in a very unique way. Many of her photographs are also very focused on the surrounding environment, emphasizing details about the person we may have not seen otherwise. She also includes very striking poses that unveil a lot of emotion that transfers to the viewer. These poses make the subjects feelings feel visible in a way, allowing the viewer to feel connected to the subject. Because many of her photographs are famous people, this is a difficult but beautiful way of showing they are still human. I really enjoy the photo above. The lady's wrinkles are accentuated by the lighting, there are so many stories to be told with all of these lines eroded by life. The woman's hands also have many stories to tell, and it is like she is communicating and reminiscing. The photo below is also very intriguing, and we actually saw it in New York at the photo fair. Knowing that these were taken the same day as