
Showing posts from May, 2023

Robert Rauschenberg

    Robert Rauschenberg is not particularly recognized for his cyanotypes, but that does not mean they are less than incredible. In all of this cyanotype work, the images created are very dynamic. All of his work I have found contains the human body in some way. With these, he manipulates the space around them in ways that leave room for interpretation while making connections between the human body and other elements like plants. My favorite of Rauschenberg's cyanotypes are the ones above and below. I think these are very interesting while also being technically challenging in a way. In order to create images like this, you must have a deep understanding of how the process works and know exactly how to manipulate light. They are definitely inspiring to me and shows what is possible with cyanotype.  Many of Rauschenberg's works all contain a very whimsical sense to them, but also seem to be very serious at the same time. These cyanotypes are the closest to what a dream feels li